Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sinus Surgery - I am a living barometer

I am a living barometer – when the weather changes, tension starts in my middle back, moves up to my neck, around my head and lands in my right eye socket. Most of the time, a severe headache will follow. About 50% of my life I feel great, but the other half is filled with headaches and fatigue, which disrupts my career and relationships with family and friends.

My typical headache routine includes taking Ibprofen and Sudafed, placing a heated rice-pack over my eyes, and rubbing a vibrator over my sinus areas. After blowing my nose and a quick nap, I would feel better 75% of the time. I also used saline nasal rinses from time to time.

Still, I was tired of the headaches. My mother has the same type of headaches and we usually have them within a few days of each other. I started visiting Dr. Walkers office to learn more about my sinuses, which is where I met Katie, my girlfriend, and the one who talked me into having the surgery.

From Sinus Surgery

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